I never thought I was a vacation blogger, for sure I am not a vlogger- I will leave that to Jason. “I don’t want to be on a video!” is my go to phrase whenever Jason starts filming me! Head over to Jason Fuller Adventures on Youtube to see some of his work- his videos are really quite amazing!
However, I enjoyed sharing some of our vacation adventures via my blog.
I found this last vacation so unlike my normal life, so different from what I normally do everyday, that it is hard to not stop and think about doing things differently all the time. Perhaps blogging about vacation and trying new things is also a journey towards wellness.
Some wellness facts from this vacation:
I slept better than at home.
My heart rate and heart rate variability (according to my Oura Ring) are the best they have ever been. (Could it be related to the altitude? I guess I will have to research that!).
Because of the altitude and sun, I was highly aware of my water intake, and felt hydrated and refreshed.
I moved each day, outside in the fresh air and sun. (Please note: we had sunshine, blue skies ALL WEEK LONG- except for one overcast day- amazing weather- I’ve never had such an amazing vacation!).
I had no work related stress. (Thank you to my team for covering me!).
I felt really good, happy andcontent!
This vacation also graced me with the gift of time to think about what matters most. We had many hours in the car, driving from one National Park to the next- enjoying the scenery and being able to be inside my head for a bit without any competing priorities or thoughts. I know that many people don’t get the opportunity to take such a trip with friends or family. I know that I am so blessed and lucky to have a wonderful job that affords me the ability to take this time to adventure and see new things, and for that I am extraordinarily grateful. I also had the gift of time during this vacation- despite a busy packed schedule, I felt extraordinarily relaxed and fulfilled. Being able to physically move my body in some form of exercise everyday (hiking, walking) and being visually challenged by all the wonderful sights kept my brain engaged and my stress levels very low.
I was amazed and awed by the open landscape, the sweeping views, the never ending mountain ranges and the big sky. The only thing missing is that I don’t have this everyday. But, then if I had this everyday, would it become part of the background? Would it become less important because I was around it everyday?
That is an interesting question to ponder today while we discuss another adventure from our trip.
We visited the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert (I have a new favorite place- the Painted Desert). For as far as the eye can see, mounds of desert hills covered in the most soothing colors of cream, pale pink, salmon and even hints of blue. It was so soothing to look at that I found myself almost disappointed we had to get into the car again to travel through the Park. But then we continued to encounter the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. The pictures do not do it justice. Besides the big peaked mountains, this was the next place on the trip that was so powerful for me. The brilliant colors, the awe inspiring view- words are not even enough to describe it. I sat near the Painted Desert for some time, while the kids got ice creams. I wandered around the various scenic overlooks and just stared. I can’t tell you exactly how it made me feel, except serene is a pretty close. This was on Day 5 of our trip, we were at about 6200 square feet and it was by far my most favorite place of the entire trip.
Would I be less inspired by it if I lived nearby and could walk that Park everyday? Would I feel less serene if I was able to visit it more frequently? I am not sure. What this does provoke within me is the feeling that I need to travel more, visit more of these awesome places. I am more enthralled by the natural wonders, the “earth made”, earth sustained views. The fact that our planet made these wonders inspires a creativity within me, even when I look at the pictures.
Many artists in the region are also inspired by the peaks, nooks and crannies of the deserts and mountains. We visited a Farmers Market, aka local arts and crafts fair in Santa Fe on the second day of our trip and I met (encountered) an artist who taught herself how to paint. She had a wonderful little art show, right inside the art show, she even wrote a little bit about herself, allowed you to take pictures of her art. I walked up and into her booth, drawn in by the colors. I smiled a quick hello to an elderly woman, dressed in old fashion clothes. She smiled back and nodded. I left quickly, trying to catch up with Jason and Ella. I wandered back as Ella was checking out cowboy hats, drawn in again by the colors of her art, wanting her business card. Instead, she told me to take a picture of her card and whatever piece of art I liked, that way she “can figure out where we have met before”. We were drawn back together. We both could feel that “knowing”. Her name is Raya and here is what she wrote about how she found and continues to challenge her artistic voice:
“The internal key elements- that became essential for my creative growth:
The ability to open my mind while designing it and have an avalanche of images and ideas spilling out.
The ability to SEE designs and images in 3 dimensions (pre-Computer era).
Self-critical judgement; SENSING THE BALANCE for the right or wrong of my artistic expressions.”
Wow. This lady was speaking to me. I read her biography, snapped a picture of my favorite picture, and if it is meant to be, I will reconnect with her and be able to share her art with my favorite people. She is a self taught artist and painter. Attending Fine Arts School was not in the cards for her. Her ability to search for self- improvement in a field that was growing and has intense competition is amazing, and with those guiding principles above to not loose faith that you are on the right path, to be self critical and self aware and to keep pushing- it is really quite admirable. The last sentence of her biography hanging on the wall near her paintings reads:
“Currently the count is over 6,000 original works of FINE ART that have SOLD around the world.
I am not finished.
I continue to live my life by taking creative risks and challenging my abilities and processes, in life and my art.”
I am going to keep investigating the boundary/border/intersection of creativity and wellness. There is something to being creative and being happy and healthy. This lady nailed it. And, I believe you can visualize that through her art.
Additional Resources:
Find Raya at www.rayasfineart.com (Santa Fe Modernist Landscapes). Her website seems like it is still a work in progress, she doesn’t yet have art for sale or pictures of her art on her website. I really think she likes meeting people in person. We found her on Saturday at the Farmers Market in Santa Fe. Her email is rayasstudio@msn.com.
Find Jason and his awesome videos at: https://www.youtube.com/@jasonfulleradventures