I’m a Baker?

“If you bake your scones, people will come.” Jason’s famous words as we built a commercial kitchen in our basement over 10 years ago and started baking for farmers markets and then for our soon to be Farm Store.

I had dabbled in home baking, then suddenly, we were baking scones by the hundreds each weekend to cart to Farmers Markets. Now, after thousands of scones, tens of thousands of cookies baked, sold and consumed by farmers market goers and our friends and family at the Farm Store, I think we can officially say that Jason and I are bakers.

I never really thought I was going to be a baker. Just like last week when I mentioned I didn’t think that I was going to be a blogger either. This happened upon us as we were creating our farm as a means to be able to create capital to continue expanding and growing the farm business.

Now, we are in the business of feeding people delectable treats and part of me wants to make those treats healthier. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against treats, and I do think that they should be a part of everyone’s diets. But, sometimes flour and gluten doesn’t treat everyone well, and I wanted to be responsive to that need.

It is hard to bake gluten free, nut free and vegan in a kitchen that primarily bakes gluten full, nut full and butter full. It is also hard for the palate to make the switch to know what recipes work and which ones don’t. I have a special time when I make these treats, away from other ingredients so that they are not contaminated. I carefully store special flours and other ingredients so that it is obvious they are special. I am researching recipes, reading others blogs about vegan, gluten free treats. I use my baking know how, and stick with trying recipes that have a short ingredient list full of whole foods.

Last weekend I nailed it. A customer wrote to me: “OMG! Just shared a vegan GF coconut chocolate chip cookie with my sweetie pie… don’t lost that recipe!!! (So glad we have more for later!)”. Isn’t that the world’s best compliment ever?? The cookies were so good looking that they sold out before I got the chance to taste test one.

I’ll be making a double batch of those this coming weekend. I really want the chance to taste test one! :)

Be Well,
