Sunday is the New Saturday!

With the Grand Reopening of the Farm Store yesterday, April 22nd, my blogging will continue but I won’t be able to post until Sunday. Sunday mornings are now our hang in, hang around, take our time morning, as compared with Saturday morning which now requires we awake by around 4am, bake for 4 hours, set up the Farm Store Bakery by 8:30am and be ready to greet customers by 9am. This work takes a village- all three of us are on the move in the morning, working to get everything ready. It is like throwing a small party for 50 to 75 people every…single…Saturday. Suffice to say, final touches to a blog post are probably not going to happen like normal on Saturday morning for a Saturday publishing.

And, I have a lot more to talk about with wellness and health and our Spring Break Adventures!

For today however, exhausted legs will be elevated and rested. Coffee will be savored while doing a little internet surfing. A tired puppy from a quick hike yesterday after we closed the Farm Store, needs some snuggles. Even Ella upon waking needed to lie down under a fleece blanket and rest again.

Planning, baking, serving and entertaining on Saturday mornings takes a lot of energy. But it is extraordinarily fulfilling. Happy people greeted us, saying they missed us. Customers gathered food and items from the store with smiles on their faces. A child found the perfect little crochet stuffy to take home with her- that smile stole my heart! There is also community- our little farm store draws many locals and friends from afar- our friend/customers stay and hang out, conversations abound. The gatherings remind me of parties- everyone is smiling, happy to be outside and enjoying a cup of pour over coffee (poured by me!) and a special breakfast treat. Families pull tables and chairs together to enjoy the time together. It is one of those things that we truly look forward to every week, despite the very tired feeling we feel this morning.

So, short and sweet today. It’s only good bye for now. I am working on some culminating Spring Break posts about the trip, mostly about how the trip made me feel. By the way, I still feel amazing and am really in awe about how much this trip filled my cup again. The picture I included to keep your interest sparked is a Petroglyph from Three Rivers Petroglyph Site. What I like most about this picture is the way the shadow of the rock perfectly aligns with the boulder. And of course the view of the mountains in the background- preserved forever on my iPhone and now in this blog. The mountains were by far my most favorite part of the trip- the juxtaposition of the mountains with every other terrain we witnessed was simply amazing. Mountains vs. flat desert. Mountains vs. rolling budding tree hills of West Virginia. Mountains vs. cities, like Santa Fe. Mountains vs. volcanic rock hills of petroglyphs. I could go on and on.

I look forward to telling you more about our Spring Break trip and its connection to wellness. There is a connection, I have been working on how best to describe it.

Be well,


Additional Readings and Resources

To be ready for the upcoming blogs, I am currently reading and listening to:

The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson

Smarter Not Harder, Dave Asprey

Finding the Mother Tree, Suzanne Simard

Native American Archaeology in the Parks, Kenneth L. Feder

Ancient America Fifty Archaeological Sites to See For Yourself, Kenneth L. Feder

Gnar Country, Steven Kotler