Day 7: At Least I have Wilson

Once my bestie heard I was in quarantine, she sent me Wilson. He has been by my side throughout these first few days of quarantine. He helps me take my supplements in the morning, he oversees all of my meals and my work being done in my home office. He even attempts to snuggle when I am missing Ella. He is very patient with me, and waits in the comfy chair for me to be finished at the computer and need some downtime.

I had no idea how much I would need Wilson. I do know that I needed my bestie to cheer me up, and cheer me up she did. I giggle everytime I look at Wilson and his funny smile. Thank you my friend. You have been with me through this entire COVID event since March. You have helped me get through each day by checking in with me, I am so grateful. But, I must tell you, Wilson is NOT taking your place!!!

Be well everyone. Stay safe. Love from Day 7.