While the skiers ski down beautiful slopes all over the Northeast, I fill my cup with my morning coffee and write. I take a walk with a friend, then I write some more. I stumble over how to start the next chapter, yet I keep coming back to it. I can honestly say this is working. My goal to write everyday is working, my goal to write the book is coming to fruition. It is hard, yes, at times. It is rewarding to see all of the words flow. It is unique in that I have never written anything this big before. Papers in college, yes, and many of them! But, this coming back to it over and over. Mulling it over, thinking about new things to add to each chapter. This returning to it again and again, by almost instinct. I don’t even think about what I want to do for the day when the skiers leave in the early dawn. I write. I am listening and aware. I am open to synchronicities and they keep appearing. I am open to allowing myself to do exactly what I need to be doing in the moment, and consistently, I come back to writing.
As I write I am also trying things out. My wellness journey is far from complete. Believe me, I am not done yet. I have so many things that I want to do with my wellness, so many opportunities. I am currently practicing fasting and how that intersects with my life. While fasting may not be for everyone, the more I read and research about it, the more it feels right to me. Training my mind to be ok, training my body to know that food is coming, just a litte later has been interesting. There is so much research and literature out there that discusses the benefits of fasting- and I know that I need to be healthier. And, if I forgot to mention, this is the year of me- so it was one of the things that I really wanted to explore this year.
I am so grateful for this time with myself in order to do this work. It hardley feels like work. The words just come out. In the end is it going to be something? My inner critic tells me at least once a day it is not going to be good enough, but yet, I keep writing. In a way, I am trying to squlech her. Silence her with all the words I write.
For today, a quick blog after doing some additions to the book.
Be Well, Enjoy the weekend, and get into flow!