Good morning January 2nd! Writing everyday has begun! Day 2. Authors make this look easy, but I don’t think that it is. It is a disciplined sport. Unlike reading. Reading is calming, you can pick it up at will, put it down when you need a break. Hell, some people even stop reading altogether if the book doesn’t quite meet their whim and fancy! I’m a die hard when it comes to reading- I rarely put a book down simply because it wasn’t what I expected. I give it my all because I know the writer has done so as well.
But writing… well this is different. I think to make my mark in the world, I need to be actively writing and moving towards the goal of writing the book. I think this takes patience, diligence and a lot of writing. Making my mark in the world is not really the goal of this book, but it is something that I feel I need to give to the world. I am not sure why or how, but the idea of this book and it’s contents keeps coming to me over and over again. Do these ideas come to us, multiples of us at once and then sometimes people act on them and other times they don’t? If an idea never comes to fruition, does it keep circling looking for someone else to inspire? If this idea keeps swirling around me, I feel like I need to give it a shot and see how it goes. I know what you are thinking, “come on already you have been talking about this for a year, just write and publish it already!!!!”
So, here is where we are right now. I’m going to write everyday, here or in my journal. You may want to come along for the journey, but it is ok if you don’t.
I am dusting off the outline of the book this weekend and will get some miles on getting that completed and ready. Ready for what? Well, as clever as I am, I know that even when writing a five paragraph essay, you need a good outline. It is almost there! I can feel it.
Then, the hard part. The discipline of writing everyday so that I write all the words for the book.
I’ll get it done. I know I have to.
Be well with whatever new year inspirations you have cooking!