The Bear who visits the Bakery. An illustration by Jason W. Fuller, 2019.
This blog post is dedicated to my daughter Ella, who always knows the right thing to say. You may remember from the last post… “my heart knows that you can write this book, does yours?”, my daughter said this to me one summer afternoon as we were talking about things that you brain tries to (intentionally???) sabotage. As she pointed to her own heart, and then to mine, I realized that she was right. My heart knows that I have a book, an article and certainly some blog posts inside me! My brain just seems to think otherwise.
So, over the summer I had this idea for a book. An idea that kept bubbling up. So, it finally became an article which I am working on submitting to a healthcare journal, but that is not what this post is about. This post is about a story that Ella and I tell each other all the time as we watch the wildlife in our neck of the woods enjoy our farm.
I took a scary situation with a bear at the farm store and turned it into a fun loving childrens story which I just submitted to be published. The story is about a little baby bear and his momma who are searching the woods and our farm for blueberries. Ultimately, their noses deliver them right to the farm store (the actual real life bear found our farm store too!). I won’t give the whole story away, but trust me, sharing that fun story with Ella that day helped us through a very stressful situation, and continues to help when we are confronted by wildlife on the farm.
So, fingers crossed! I would love to share a series of animal stories on the Grassy Knoll Farm with our farm community and the world. My hope is that they accept and ask an illustrator to spend a few days with us so that the story can really come to life with real pictures of the farm!
I will keep you updated on both projects! Thank you for being here with me along this journey!