Spring has Finally Sprung, Maybe!

We are so excited to see Spring on the Farm again! The winter weather has definitely come to an end and spring showers have been a constant through the month of April. We have had beautiful Saturdays at the Farm Store, and Sundays have been wet and dreary- but that is ok- the showers have brough forth the flowers on the trees, bushes and ground, so who can complain! Finally green grass, leaves are budding, flowers are blooming. We have huge smiles!

Spring also brings babies. We rescued two goslings on our farm last week. Ella has completely taken over their care, and they follow her around like she is their mother. They are awfully sweet. The sweetest part of them is their webbed feet and the little slapping noises they make while they follow Ella all over the house. Ok, well, they also like to snuggle in your arms or on your lap, and that is pretty sweet too.

We put together beautiful herb planters for sale at the farm store. We found lovely terra cotta planters that were telling us they desperately wanted to look pretty with herbs. We obliged and now they have adorned our Farm Store (and some lucky Mother's homes!) with greenery.

The Cherry Trees are in full bloom. It is so exciting to anticipate the little red lovely cherries when you see all of the lovely white blossoms. Even with the rain today the flowers look beautiful.

On the first really warm day, Ella and I cleaned the screen porch and got ready for our annual tradition of painting our toenails. Of course going to a spa sounds good too, but we love the fan gently blowing air from above, the feeling of being outdoors but without the bugs and the overall sense of calmness that comes from sitting back on a porch.

Welcome Spring!